Interested in having Bonnie Jo present at your event?

Check out the presentations she offers below!

The Most Important Element of Writing...Character!

What keeps us reading until the back book cover closes? We want to find out what happens to the characters! In this presentation, I’ll teach you how to build relatable, unique characters from the ground up. With characters so round your readers will believe they are a real person, they will be hooked to the end.

Get into the Action!

Do you find it hard to write action scenes? With so many moving parts, they often prove to be the most difficult. In this presentation I will teach you tips and tricks to make you an action scene writing whiz.

Villainous Villains!

Your protagonist is only as good as the antagonist who challenges him. How then, do you create a villain worthy of your protagonist? Together we’ll study historically epic villains, their archetypes, and more to find the perfect recipe for creating the most villainous of villains.

Let’s Plot!

From our earliest caveman days, we have been telling stories for our survival. But what makes a story stand the test of time? Using elements from both Michael Hauge’s Six Stage Story Structure and Gwen Hayes, Romancing the Beat, I’ll teach you how to take your plot from the building larvae phase to the resolution of an emerging butterfly.